Friday, 31 August 2012



Some people are obses with Anime Shows,Manga,Comics and obses in drawing Anime Cartoons like me,
but a few people kinda HATE those stuff...I feel kinda awkward in my class only knowing that only
4 people in my class are interested in Anime Stuff....I feel awkward though...~_~...But drawing Anime
and reading Manga Comic Books and watching my FAVORITES Anime Shows are my hobbies....
ESPECIALLY,when it comes to draw Anime Cartoons or Character,now that is my  MOST FAVORITE THING TO DO!!I draw EVERYWHERE or ANYWHERE whenever I get bored..or just I just feeling it.
I draw my Anime cartoons or whatever you call it to express my feelings in me,it's not about to see whose or which ones are the prettiest or perfect,It's about to show what do you want to draw,what do you want to let out,what do you feel.It's not about competition(unless your one of my friends who keeps chalenging me to a competition,what do you call this....AAAHH!! I remember!!A Drawing Anime Competition),It's about you,
your feelings,let it out!in anyway...Nobody is the boss of you(except for your paren'ts of course),Okay,
who decided you to eat when you feel hungry?who decided you to be best friends with a newbie?who is the one that makes the best desicion?Who is the one that makes you go to the drawing camp?YOU!!that's the answer!!YOU!!THAT'S THE PROOF!!!You just have to remember that if,anything or anything happens,
you are the one that can change it,it's never too late!!It's never too late for anything!!You have to make this your MOTO,If you believe in yourself you have nothing to fear of.WOW,looks like my Anime Story turns into a Lecturer Meeting....I'm soo weird ^_^!!Okay i'm signing off now,I'll write something tomorrow okay?Miyuki Hanezawa/Jannah Athirah is signing off!!Peace!!